(Incluyendo Ganar Almas)
• Fe en las personas. Creemos que nadie es un accidente ni aquí, ni ahora. (Isa. 44:2)
• Ganar almas. Creemos que cada persona, cristiana y no cristiana, es valiosa para Dios. (Mateo 18:14:)
(Incluyendo Sentido de Urgencia)
• Trabajo en equipo. Creemos que somos mejores trabajando en equipos. (Ecle. 4:9-12; Cor. 12:7-12;
• Sentido de urgencia. Creemos que es la voluntad de Dios ganar y discipular el mayor número de almas posible, en el menor tiempo posible. (2 Ped. 3:9)
(Incluyendo a La Familia)
• Relaciones saludables. Resolveremos todo conflicto rápida y bíblicamente. Con gracia, valentía, respeto y dignidad sin dar lugar al resentimiento. (1 Ped. 3:8-9)
• La Familia. Nuestro ministerio deberá facilitar el orden correcto de prioridades. (Exo. 10:9)
(Incluyendo Rendir Cuentas)
• Empoderamiento. Identificaremos y formaremos intencionalmente a otras personas que puedan hacer mejor lo que nosotros hacemos. (2 Tim 2:2)
• Rendir Cuentas. El hecho de rendir cuentas voluntariamente guarda el corazón cuando somos puestos en lugares de influencia o autoridad. (Luc. 9:10)
(Incluyendo Relevancia)
• Excelencia. Creemos que Dios es digno de lo mejor de nosotros. (Col. 3:23)
• Relevancia. La Biblia será siempre nuestro fundamento y la presentaremos de forma creativa entendible a toda persona. (2Tim. 3:16)
• Faith in people. Every person has potential and purpose given by God. Jeremiah 29:11
• Win Souls. We believe every person is valuable to God and therefore everything we do is linked to winning a soul for Christ. 2 Peter 3:9
• Working in a Team. Our efforts are more fruitful when we work together and not individually. Eccles. 4:9-12
• Sense of Urgency. We believe it is God’s will to win and disciple the greatest number of souls possible, in the least possible time. 2 Peter 3:9
• Healthy Relationships. We will resolve all conflict efficiently and biblically, with grace, valor, Respect, and dignity; while giving no place to resentment or murmuring. 1 Peter 3:8-9
• The Family. We will facilitate the correct order of priorities: God, Family, and Ministry. We believe it is unhealthy to stop serving God and that it is healthy to serve as a family. Ex. 10:19
• Empowerment. We will identify and intentionally build others who can do what we do much better; while passing over the ministerial office so they may continue to carry the gospel to the future generation.
• Accountability. We grow healthier when we are accountable to someone else and therefore we maintain a clean heart. James 5:16
• Excellence. We believe that God is worthy of our best. Col. 3:23
• Practical Relevance. We will teach in an understanding manner to better the quality of others’ lives, so they may apply what has been learned in their homes, jobs, schools, and society in general, while keeping the Bible as our fundamental. 1 Cor. 9:22-23
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